Together we rise!

 ‘Absolutely life changing - to see it is all “just thought” and have complete acceptance and compassion for how I really feel. Long term patterns are disappearing! So simple and remarkable. I leave every session feeling centred, focused and connected!’

— Jil, Founder & Designer

Overview | Mind Groups

The purpose of these sessions is to explore the truth of human experience, the impact of living in misunderstanding (as we innocently tend to do) and to discover the benefit of realising how free we are even with our so called “good” and “bad” bits!. These small groups are special - a place of love, honesty and respect without needing to be polite and pretend you’re always nice. We say what we really think in the moment without dressing it up. Groups provide an informative setting as each individual becomes a catalyst for your insights and awareness. Being engaged in transformative dialogue with others can accelerate and deepen your own learning.

There is nothing to prepare or do in advance. You show up and share whatever is on your mind in the moment, when you want to. And you listen. Ideally without distraction - we are always practising that because it does not come naturally to a busy mind and guarded heart.

What to Expect | Mind Groups

  • We get stuck into the deeper meaning of human experience. Discovering the truth about why we think, feel and behave the way we do.

  • We acknowledge there is no good or bad, no right or wrong outcome, just a lot of thinking about ourselves and how things should be.

  • We discuss the HUGE implications that follow on from the fact that we create our entire experience from the inside.

  • We celebrate our humanness and tendency to think things are not ok, that we need fixing and that things should be a certain way.

  • We use practical exercises to tune into our body, notice the full capacity of our mind and to become more aware of our potential for love, power and impact.

  • We learn to embrace our experience, exactly as it is, including any emotion. We begin to feel more, not less, while being at peace.

  • We are focused, letting go the temptation to get lost in our stories, instead remaining honest, present and open.

  • We gradually notice signposts that we are off track and lost in thought, remembering the simplicity with which inner clarity & calm will be restored.

  • We generate and discuss realisations that can last a lifetime, enabling us to enjoy success without stress in all areas of life.

What’s Included | Mind Groups

  • 15 hours group coaching via Zoom (see Events for dates & timing).

  • 1-1 mini coaching moments when suitable during the group calls.

  • Insightful resources (quotes, texts and video) to support your learning.

  • Private interactive messaging with Danielle during the Program.

  • Online community for supportive interaction, insight sharing and engagement via WhatsApp. (optional)

  • FREE Wise Living Guide: the Mind. A lifetime resource to remind you how the mind works & the simplicity of thriving.

Investment | Mind Groups

£700 + VAT

* Sponsored places available. Please request details.

Do you want to immerse into self-understanding with a diverse group of peers?

These sessions bring small groups together to explore how the mind works and free us from the illusions blocking our way to inner freedom. Together, we enjoy exploring the simplicity & power of self-acceptance, unconditional peace and presence with moments of laughter, sadness, grief and joy. The group offers support and inspiration to pass through any emotional discomfort and let go old stories as you realign and reconnect with yourself.

Our willingness to listen, learn and spark insight with our peers provides a platform for radical transformation.

“It’s beautiful, I felt so calm despite all the craziness around me - like stepping into a warm bath”

— Monique

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if this session is for me? If you are interested and sense it can help - book a call to discuss directly with Danielle.

Do I need to do anything before our session? No.

Are these sessions confidential? Yes. The only rare exception, mandated by the International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) code of ethics, is if there is risk of harm to yourself or others, then we are morally and officially obliged to share the concern with third party professionals eg Doctor, Therapist, Police and a Supervisor.

How does the group dynamic work? If you’re new to group coaching, be reassured you engage at your own pace and your own level of comfort. Typically people are encouraged by hearing others share ideas, insights and short stories about their life. Personal disclosure is your choice. You may listen most of the session, you may find yourself talking a lot, it depends what comes up and whether that ignites a desire in you to speak. Either way, your presence is a continual contribution to the group. Deep and meaningful moments may occur for you and for others. Likewise there are many light-hearted and playful times. Significant realisations occur generating radical shifts in our experience of life, self, others and the world around us. It is like exploring, receiving and sharing the gift of life.